adventures in geekdom

The blog of a twentysomething who is finally unleashing her inner geek after stifling it for the majority of her adolescence.

hiatus 2.0

Yep, back for another round of non-posting!

With a busy upcoming semester and a total lack of motivation to write about anything lately, I’m giving this blog a break. I have no idea how long this hiatus will last, but here’s a notice to future visitors of my site to explain the lack of posts.

I do appreciate all of the support I’ve gotten thus far, and I hope you enjoy all of the content that’s already here. :)

Be safe, be good to each other, and geek on!

It’s always good to reward yourself.

So there’s still a few more sessions to go, but I’m very happy that I’ve nearly finished my first-ever D&D campaign! Overall, the experience was extremely fun and I’m happy I decided to participate with this group of awesome guys. :) As a reward to myself for contributing so much to the group (okay, perhaps not me but my character’s ass-kicking powers), I bought myself some shinies!

^Yay, shinies!! (And my Wii Fit and workout gear in the background, LOL.)

^Yes, big dice for funsies! Thankfully my group doesn’t mind if I use these for my rolls during the actual game because they are SO FUN.

^A brand-new, sniny Deck Box for my Magic: The Gathering deck! Yeah, I have a red/blue deck but I really like green, so :P. My old box I stole from The Boyfriend was torn and broken in places, so it was definitely time for an upgrade. It’s also a bigger box! I was surprised, but it has more width so my cards aren’t squished and impossible to get out of the box anymore.

^My very own D&D dice sets! I’d been using The Boyfriend’s colored dice from the original D&D starter set so I could get better acquainted with each dice, but now I have dice of my very own! (I’ll miss those colored dice, though.) I got a green set because, as mentioned above, I like green, as well as a blue and bronze set. Hint, hint. ;)

YAY FOR SHINIES! I’m excited to cross something else off of my nerdy bucket list this summer. It’s been awesome!

The Batman Movie Massacre

I don’t live in Aurora, but I do live close to there and know the theater that this all took place at. My thoughts go out to everyone who has been affected by this tragedy, and I’m sickened to hear that another small bit of humanity has been chipped away.

I mean, a six-year-old girl was killed. At the movies.

It’s just not fair.

If you’re not aware of what happened, here’s a link.

For everyone going to see The Dark Knight Rises or any other film this weekend, I hope you stay safe and are able to enjoy the experience.

Potter fever strikes again. Dammit.

* I finished the story element of LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean. I know, FINALLY. I got it for Christmas last year. :X I was gonna work on 100% completion before starting LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7, but considering LEGO: Pirates was by far the most frustrating LEGO game I’ve ever played, I might set that goal aside for another time.

* Speaking of Harry Potter, I’ve given in and have decided to reread the series again. Which is probably a bad idea considering how my summer school agenda looks for the next few weeks. Oops? Still, I haven’t reread the series in at least a year and a half (probably closer to two years, to be honest) and I’m taking notes this time around. I’ll post my questions and notes after I’ve finished each book so I can go through and answer them if possible!

* The Boyfriend and I will be at the Harry and the Potters/Potter Puppet Pals tour stop in Denver on August 4; will I see you there? I hope so! :D

And just because:

Take the Pledge!

I thought this was a nifty little website, and wanted to pass it along so others could share it. I’ve gotten some of my male gamer buddies on my Facebook to sign up (including The Boyfriend), so yay!

From the Gamers Against Bigotry website:

As a gamer, I realize I contribute to an incredibly diverse social network of gamers around the world, and that my actions have the ability to impact others. In effort to make a positive impact, and to create a community that is welcoming to all, I pledge to not use bigoted language while gaming, online and otherwise.

Bigoted language includes, but is not limited to, slurs based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and disability.

Read more about the pledge, including what is and isn’t included, and the overall purpose here.

Read why you shouldn’t use the word “rape” casually here.

The people behind this website are looking to become a non-profit, so please donate if you can. The Mary Sue posted an interview with one of the founders of the site, which is a really fantastic read.

The pledge benefits folks who are already avoiding bigoted language in-game because it unites them and shows them they aren’t the only ones who feel the way they do. At times, and depending on the game you’re playing, it can feel like you’re the only one who is put off by the bigoted speech that’s tossed around in game chat. Every additional pledge is another person speaking up, publicly, that bigoted language isn’t okay. As our numbers grow, we’ll get a better sense of where the gaming community really stands on this stuff.

You can pledge on their website, “like” them on Facebook, and follow them on Twitter.

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