adventures in geekdom

The blog of a twentysomething who is finally unleashing her inner geek after stifling it for the majority of her adolescence.

Archive for the tag “facebook”


In the age of iPhones, World of Warcraft and Facebook…does anyone still remember Neopets?

*crickets chirping*

Just me, then? …Okay.

I can’t even remember when I started playing Neopets. However, over the years I’ve started and quit the game with multiple accounts. I remember my first pets were an Aisha and a Poogle (back before they were uber-hard to attain). I had another account with a green Uni that I had planned to paint Island. Nearly two years ago I started a completely new account, this time with multiple pets. I still have that account, though I’ve gotten incredibly lazy with it. :X

Still, I have that same goal of attaining an Island Uni. Why? I have no idea, I just always thought it was an awesome color paired with an awesome pet. And I desperately want a Chomby. THEY ARE SO CUTES!!

I also remember being a member of the Soup Faerie Helpers guild, which was massive. The website is still up, though it’s been inactive for ages.

So, does anyone besides me still log in every now and again? And not just in December to nab some sweet Advent Calendar prizes? Tell me about your goals, the largest amount Neopoints you ever saved, your favorite pets…and if you ever achieved any of your Neopets goals! And of course, if you want to be Neofriends feel free to add me. :)

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