adventures in geekdom

The blog of a twentysomething who is finally unleashing her inner geek after stifling it for the majority of her adolescence.

Archive for the tag “heroica”

What? I really like LEGO stuff.

And not that stupid girly line they have coming out, because I have…erm, feelings…about said product line. Rage-y, feminist-backed feelings because honestly, why would girls ever want to play with yucky boy toys, EVERYTHING MUST BE SEGREGATED FOR OUR POOR CHILDREN RAAAAWWWWRRRRR.

Ahem. Yes.

So The Boyfriend brought over LEGO’s new board game Heroica for us to play, and I LOVED IT. Yeah, it takes a little bit of time to rearrange the board when preparing for a new mission, but honestly I don’t see it being any different than setting up the original and best version of The Game of Life. Not to mention that since it’s LEGO, everything snaps into place quickly and nicely.

The rules were explained very clearly, and all of the settings are super-cute! The amount of detail put into each board set is amazing. (I love the chicken leg in one of the sets; The Boyfriend and his family made it a rule that if you roll a shield, you can stand there and eat the chicken leg to gain back 2 life. xD) The characters (a druid, knight, ranger, wizard, rogue, and barbarian) each have a specific power than can be enhanced through buying weapons with gold pieces found during the game. And not to brag or anything, but I totally whipped The Boyfriend’s ass won two of the three rounds The Boyfriend and I played together with my awesome druid/wand/helmet combo. ;)

I have to say, now having tried both Heroica and a legit roleplaying game like Pathfinder, I much prefer this style of play. I guess I’m more of a visual learner, since it was easier for me to enjoy the gameplay with an actual model in front of me. Of course, there are dungeon sets you can buy online to make traditional roleplaying games feel a little more real, but let’s face it. LEGOs are just cuter!

So on that note, I highly recommend Heroica for non-geeky friends, or surface geeks who aren’t totally into the roleplaying aspect of geekdom (like me). It was challenging yet fun and easy to understand, and now I have one more distraction from my current overload of schoolwork. :P

Have you played Heroica yet? If so, what did you think? Have you gotten any non-roleplayers into it?

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